Friday, February 26, 2010

Maia and the Cats

These are two very smart cats in keeping their distance from Maia. She loves seeing the cats and gets so excited when they come near her. She even follows them with her eyes where ever they walk. This particular afternoon Maia and I were playing in the hallway and the cats were around us and she was so excited. Soon they won't even be that close because she may be crawling right to them. One day she pulled a dogs fur so hard that the dog yelped, and stayed clear of her. We are not joking about Maia's death grip.


akamilby said...

What a cutie she is! Fun to see a video of her sitting up. And I like your new profile pictures too, by the way. I have to say, those are two smart cats!

katie said...

Cute! I love your tongue sticking out after you fell over! And your beautiful eyes. Anna says "I am going to have a cat and a dog when I grow up." I bet you will too, Maia!