Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Paxton Everett Miller


Born at 9:03am May 25th.  8lbs., 10oz. 20.5 inches long. 

Heading to the Hospital at 5:30am



Everett for his maternal grandfather. Miller for his parents and his ancestral paternal lineage.

Paxton: Peaceful Village

Everett: Wild Boar

I love the juxtaposition of these two together. It’s what the book Wild at Heart got wrong in setting up a false dichotomy between the two, and it’s also what we hope for Paxton. The peaceful and the wild. It’s bringing peace yet being adventurous. It’s calm that belies a deep strength. It’s quiet strength or focused power. It’s the love of all things wild, yet with nothing to prove. It’s active, strong, powerful peacemaking. It’s being a perfect gentleman, yet under that suit is one who is daring and a little dangerous. It’s Raw, Untamable, and yet directed towards Good. It’s living in Shalom; in right relationship with all around him, yet through active effort not weakness. It’s a pioneer carving out a home for his family in the midst of the wilderness—making a quiet spot to live within the four walls of the log cabin he’s constructed himself. It’s being a man, yet sacrificially spending that manliness in the service of others.  It’s Powerful yet Good. It’s a peacemaker bringing peace to an entire village through his manly efforts.

"Baby Tita!"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blocks, Blocks, and More Blocks

Here's a proud Maia having success with the blocks.

But sometimes playing with blocks can be a little frustrating. 

Ah, the joys and sorrows of play.