Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Roley Poley # 2

So the latest trick that Maia has been doing is rolling continually in one direction. From her front she rolls to the left and then continues on. So does that mean she rolls to the left or right? Do you judge that from her back or front? This is what Michael and I are trying to figure out. Anyways, she rolls and it is a lot of fun. However, most of the time it is at other people's houses that have carpeted floors and those are the times we don't have our camera...ooops. Well enjoy this video of our roley poley. (Sorry about uncentered filming. I was trying to cover the red light and get Maia's attention at the same time. Not always easy.)

Without further ado...Maia Sage Miller.......(feel free to clap).


Anonymous said...

Good job, Maia!!! and good job Jeanette for finding a place in the house where she can roll. That hallway is perfect. She is learning so many new things. So glad that you and Daphne got to go somewhere together. The sleeping kids are cute, and, yes, they do make me sleepy.

katie said...

We were clapping for Maia! I love all the raspberries, and I love watching a little human being learn how to move their little body for the first time. So amazing to me. Who taught you that, Maia?
I love the quilt, too.