Thursday, September 3, 2009


So I wasn't quite sure what to take videos of, since she seems to either be screaming, sleeping, or nursing, all of which do not make for the best videos. Here's three random ones, so you can get an idea of what she looks like when moving. I included one crying one, so you can enjoy her lungs as much as we do.

The next one took place only a few seconds later, but she was completely done crying (we had finished changing her diaper):

And finally, another one so that you can see her eyes. Will they be blue or will they be brown?

1 comment:

katie said...

You sure do look healthy and sound healthy! How fun to see you moving around since we can't actually meet you in person. The girls wanted to watch the screaming video over and they kept asking me "what does she have on her wrist, Mommy?" Now they'll be playing with their bracelets all night:)