Friday, November 6, 2009

Fun day Sunday!

So last Sunday we all woke up early early in the morning to make a trip to the airport. This is not a normal occurrence for us, well at least not for Maia and I, but we ventured out anyways. It was a foggy morning with a light mist in the air - fairly normal for a Portland morning. We all got in the car and headed out. As we swung by the airport we saw none other than... Aunt Becky and her roommate Tracy! What a quinkydink! So we said get in the car and we will go out for breakfast. And so we did. We went to a little place called Cameo and there we had bacon, eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and waffles. It was delish!!!! After that we went for a morning walk around the neighborhood since we had time before Aunt Becky and Tracy had to venture off to Grass Valley.

Later on we were heading home from church, and Michael and I looked and noticed that the fog was lifting and it was going to be a beautiful day. So we said to each other "Lets go play outside somewhere." And that is what we did. We called up our friends the Huffmans to see if they wanted to join us and so Daphne and her kiddos came along.

We were off. Hiking along the Eagle Creek trail. At some points the trail was carved into the face of a cliff so we had to hang onto cables to be safe. Luckily it was only a small portion of the trek.

As we continued we came across none other than a waterfall! In the Columbian Gorge you say? Yes, as a matter of fact there are tons of waterfalls yet to be discovered by us!

After we enjoyed the waterfall we decided to turn back to head to our cars since it was daylight savings and would get dark sooner. We ventured back thinking we'll be back to discover all the other waterfalls (I hear there's 12) that are on this trail.

One of the excitements of our trip was seeing salmon spawning. We were in the parking lot and saw many people watching the creek and were thinking, "What could be so exciting down there?" When we went to look we saw large red Salmon swimming and trying to jump over the rapid to get up stream. It was pretty amazing and Michael with his amazing photography skills caught some in action.

This concludes our fun day Sunday. We eventually headed to our weekly time with our life group and then came home and went to bed. What a great time we had with friends and family!

Enjoy our wild and scenic film.


akamilby said...

What a lovely Sunday! Family, friends, and fish. All in one day! THat's quite a wild and scenic video. It was fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, you look so thin! What a lovely picture of you with Maia. Glad you had such a lovely sabbath rest. It just feels refreshing to go along a trail. That is some dropoff though.

katie said...

Michael, were you carrying Eben while hiking? I couldn't figure it out, how Naomi could be on Daphne's back and Eben left to walk?
Sounds like a fun full day.

katie said...

Just thought I'd let you know Josie loved your video, I can't tell you how many times she watched it and kept telling us "I see a fish! It jumped! Look, Anna, a fish! Look Ruthie!..." and then just kept asking me to play it again, and again, and again...