Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Maia and Meko

These two long videos will give you a great picture of how these two interact.  It's a love-hate relationship.  Maia loves Meko, and Meko loves, well... Meko loves her blanket and her window. 



akamilby said...

I love these videos! Maia's persistence and Meko's determination to stay away. Caroline and I sat and watched today while she was sick, and it was a perfect interlude for me. Thanks@

Jo Miller said...

Wow, everyone in Ukarumpa must be having dinner and off their computers because I just clicked and was able to watch both of these, even though they are long. Such fun! Good job Jeanette in teaching her to pet gently and to quietly approach Meko. That is alot of a one year old to figure out and certainly not the way she wanted to do it. I liked that I got to hear everyone in your family in these videos. Fun to hear you interact with Maia. Thanks for posting.
love you all, Mom

becky said...

These are awesome videos, I love her sneak and pet technique in the first one. And the back and forth interaction between the two of them as Maia gradually gets closer. So fun! Also, she is going to be a great dancer--nice moves Maia!

katie said...

The girls just sat and watched these videos for the first time and they loved them!
How do you get such large videos to upload? Obviously I couldn't get it to do a video shorter than that. Did you make them a smaller size somehow?