Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Good Day To Go To The Park

The other day it was not raining and the sun was trying to shine so Maia and I took a walk to the park.  I think I am learning to adjust to these Portland winters.  Its hard for me to want to get out and play when it is all rainy out.  I have learned, however to take full advantage of the days it is not raining and get outside.  So that is what we did.  I decided to take my camera with us on this walk since there is so much budding and blooming all around I wanted to capture some of its beauty. 

So the first beauty I captured was this little girl who was having fun in the swing.  I wanted to get other shots of her playing, but I realized it is not very practical for me to try to take pictures as she is trying to be a dare devil on the play structures.  She is quick and I am not so much these days.

On our way home we came across some beautiful flowers.  Maia will point them out and say "See, see"  and then sometimes she will say "pretty!"  I told her I agree.  Yes they are so pretty and it was nice to be around bright colors!  I do believe these are camellias.  Correct me if I am wrong.  I am trying to make a point to learn my flowers.  Whatever the case they were sure pretty and made my day!!!

 Of course we had to stop by the cherry blossoms.  It just shouted out to me "spring spring it has finally arrived!!!"

 And then there are the nobby trees.  I love being in the park where Maia can just take off and run.  I think she loves it too because she just loves running from me with the occasional stop and look to make sure I am still coming her direction.  So  much fun!!

I have been thinking a little about spring this year.  I thought it would never come and it has with all its promises of new life!  It excited me to first see signs of the crocus showing its purple, orange, white, etc... prettiness  and then the daffodiles in their bright yellow cheerfulness, I just get excited for whats to come! Soon there will be strawberries, blueberries, all kinds of veggies, oh sun warm tomatoes, and I could go on and on.  I think you get my drift!!  I feel as though we make it through the winter to appreciate all the more of spring and summer.  At least I feel that way this year, especially as we await for this little guy to arrive in June.  I have not had lots of time to just sit and think about it, but I have been trying to be a little more intentional about it and it excites me.  I feel like pregnancy is not all that fun (at least for me), however, the aches, pains, and tiredness is all worth it when I think about welcoming this little life into the world!!


katie said...

I swear I could smell the flowers.
Maia, I want to come run with you through the trees!

Jo Miller said...

so happy that you live near a park now where you and Maia can go exploring. Yes, those are camellias. i am not a gardener and don't know the names of very many things, but I know the ones that were in our yard for so many years. And, yes, we had camellias. Fun to see Maia enjoying your love of beauty.
Let's take a walk in the park when I come. Or I will take Maia and you can rest.
love you all, Jo