Friday, September 10, 2010

We Have A One Year Old

It has been awhile since I have posted anything on the blog. Our summer seemed to have flown by faster than than I was able to blog about it. We went to Virginia to Jennies wedding, picked and ate lots of blueberries and then we moved. However, we were able to wrap up the summer chaos by celebrating Maia's first year of life! There was definitely a celebration going on at our place on August 29Th. We had a hoot with many of our friends in the area coming over. Many people from our church group joined us along with some friends from Michaels work. We also had some family (the Mosers) and close friends that we have known for awhile join us. It was great to have many circles of friends join us for one common purpose, to celebrate Maia.

First off, the spread. We did homemade pizzas with some hummus , salad and wings. Oh yeah, and cake.
The cake. It was a huge cake and it will be memorable at least for me (Jeanette). It kept looking as if it was going to topple over at some points, but I managed to catch it and give it a little nudge and all was good. Maia sure enjoyed it. It was an orange cake with blueberry filling and cream cheese frosting. Delish!

"All for me?"

Gifts Sisters! Just never mind all the stuff on my shirt. I certainly did!

Maia's one year old trick!

Maia's excitement about being a one year old and ready to cook up something delicious!

It has definitely been a huge joy to have you Maia in our lives. I could never have asked for better timing! You make me laugh everyday with your silliness and you know how to melt my heart with your sweet kisses! I love how you chatter away in your "own" words describing what you see or are doing. You are a determined girl making sure to get what you have set out to get, and I pray that you will be determined to set out to seek the Lord and love Him with all that you are. I am so blessed to be your mother and I get excited to see you become more of who you are as you grow. I love you sweetly my dear Maia!


Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you, thank you!! It is such a blessing to see these pictures. Quite the party and Maia is quite the cute one year old. That dress is perfect on her. Maybe I will come to her third birthday party. Glad you had such a special celebration.
love you all,
Grandma Jo

April said...

Wow! 1 year old!!!! I really am having a hard time believing that! The cake looks SO delish! And Maia is scrumptious too! Love the little apron!