Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Milestones # 3

This one shows Maia's determination. I saw her chasing the cats and so I thought it would be fun to get the camera and catch some footage of her chasing the cats and next thing I knew she was going up the stairs. This is her official first time of climbing stairs, and you get to be there for it! Hopefully you don't get too sick watching this video; it is a little shaky since I was a bit surprised at Maia's new endeavor.

This next one is a little less jiggly, as I had some help and didn't have to spot and video all at the same time. While its a better video, I am more impressed with the determination and speed she used to get up the stairs in the first one. She just kept going and going!


akamilby said...

Wow Maia! Wow Jeanette! That is one determined girl, certain that she can catch the cat! How fun to see! Jeanette, in case I haven't told you, I love your profile picture with your short haircut. You're beautiful!

Can you believe how fast the sequence is between crawling and all the other milestones? Climbing stairs and pulling themselves up? My kids were both pretty quick at moving from crawling to walking, and it looks like Maia will be too! Good job climbing the stairs Miss Maia!

becky said...

What a cutie patootie! It's fun to get to be an observer for her first time ever up the stairs. It is also particularly fun that she just decided on her own to climb. She certainly has no doubts about her abilities! I also like how she stands up and cheers for herself in the second one, she knows she just reached a new milestone.

katie said...

I like how she talks constantly when she's crawling and climbing. You do like to talk! And the mohawk. Definitely the cutest little mohawk ever! I'll miss that one when you grow out of it! But maybe you'll get it back when you're 13. Congratulations on all your accomplishments, Maia! And more freedom for Mom! In a way.