Monday, November 9, 2009

Maia's Squeaks

So Maia is starting to differentiate between people now, which is kinda fun. Well, unless you are the one differentiated against, that is. Jeanette and I were talking about it a couple days ago, how we really notice Maia reacting differently to different people. She may start crying when someone picks her up, simply because it is not her mom. Or I might be holding her, and she might be okay, but then start crying when she hears my voice and realizes I'm not mom. Usually we just wait these screams out and she either falls asleep exhausted, or becomes okay with daddy. Many times I am trying to wait it out, and finally I realize that her diaper is soaking wet. Oops. It'll be nice when she can talk and tell us these things. The screaming escalates during the diaper change, and then once it is over, she immediately gets to the point of nearly stopping her cries, and just whimpers a little. But she's been so worked up, and is breathing so heavily, that she can't quite calm down. It takes a mother's touch; taking her from my arms, putting her on her shoulder and soothing her with that familiar voice. Maia nestles in and calms the rest of the way. It really is amazing how much she is bonding with her mommy. When I mentioned this fact to Jeanette, how strong that bond is getting while caring for her and being with her all day long, Jeanette looked back at my with a glow in her face and wonder in her eyes, and said, "I've never had that before."

The following is to give you a little glimpse into that bond. It's something I enjoy watching and being a part of. It's also a chance to see how Maia is getting older, and beginning to interact in new and exciting ways. These two videos are a little long, and maybe only suitable for Grandma's who are dieing to see their grandkid in action. I suppose that means that if you're a grandma, go ahead and click play, and for the rest of you, well, click play but have a book handy to distract yourself with.

Maia was having such a fun time playing with mommy that I had to grab the camera. Then the camera distracted her a bit, and she didn't play quite so much, but the ensuing videos are still fun. Enjoy.

Oh yes, and a video set would not be complete without one of Maia's favorite pastime:


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am a grandma and love seeing videos of my grandchildren, but even I draw the line at watching them spit up!! I went through enough of that with all of you. I want to give her backwards kisses on her neck and see what she does. I think that she got tired of the beeping. Fun to see her interactions with Mom. The camera feels like she wants to see the rest of us that are out here. Thanks for posting and sharing your lovely daughter with me.
Love you all,
Grandma Jo in PNG

akamilby said...

What a cutie! Becky put these on in the office today while we were working. Caroline watched all three intently, while Becky and I listened. It's fun to see her interact with both of you. She's getting so big! She's a lucky girl to have you two for parents!

katie said...

Josie says "she's looking at us!"
I asked her if she could really see us and she looked at me puzzled and replied "yes!"
I like all your little noises and different facial expressions, Maia.